Tuesday, March 27, 2007

I have had another idea and I am going to add to my original blog. That of having a flying mouse. Suppose you ear (an) ultrasound transmitter on your hand, lets say you clip it onto a ring. Now your hand is projected 3m away behind the computer screen. You can now touch the windows and click on any one of them far faster than you can currently use a mouse.If we had a solid world we could touch and move objects within that world. Microsoft have produced a robotics studio.http://msdn.microsoft.com/robotics/getstarted/v1_0/default.aspxhttp://search.live.com/results.aspx?q=microsoft+robotics+research&mkt=en-us&FORM=LVCPCertainly the ability to actually put your hand into a 3D structure is going to be of immense value in CAD/CAM.At present Powerpoint is purely a 2 dimensional program but given this sort of capability it could be developed to provide the capacity for sculpture in a solid world. Hasn't this been done before? What about CAD/CAM? This is part of the reason I am writing this. Microsoft has got a reputation for ignoring standards and then making the Microsoft standard the de facto standard. If you develop sculpture "open source" you will base your programs on existing CAD/CAM and Virtual Reality software. More people will generate 3D once this becomes easier to do. Sculpture will become a part of business presentations and will not simply be the province of Engineering and specialized graphics.

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